The Jungle Giants
Learn To Exist (Amplifire)
Way back in the 1980’s ‘indie’ actually meant something. This was before big record companies co-opted the term. Back in the day it meant a band actually did it all themselves: pressed their own vinyl, took the record to radio, got a friend in to do the art etc. and that’s exactly what The Jungle Giants have done.
Learn To Exist is brimming with bright, exuberant, tunes. Singer Sam Hales’ melodies buzz around like a swarm of bees while the band keep a taut metronomic feel behind them. In its’ opening gambit, ‘She’s A Riot’ recalls the mood of the Smiths’. ‘Devil’s In The Detail’ is so damn lo-fi it sounds like a demo, while ‘I Am What You Want Me To Be’ wouldn’t have been out of place on a John Hughes’ soundtrack.
It’s a worth a shout-out to the artist Laura Perm-Jardin who has come up with a terrific cover which reflects the ambition and buoyant mood of the music inside. The album was produced by Magoo at Applewood Studios: hats off to all involved.
Sean Sennett