The new Jack Ryan adventure, based on the popular Tom Clancy character, picks up with Jack (Chris Pine) in his pre-CIA days, working on Wall Street as a financial analyst. Ryan is recruited by the CIA (Kevin Costner) to investigate global financial terrorism. When a plot that could sink the US economy is uncovered, Jack must come out from behind his computer monitor and travel to present day Moscow, to confront the Russian businessman (Kenneth Branagh) behind it.
Thanks to Paramount we have ten double passes to a special preview screening of Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit to giveaway. To enter please email with ‘Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit’ in the subject line and your details in the message. The screening will be held on Wednesday the 15th of January, 2014, at 6:30pm at Event Cinemas Myer Centre. Only one entry per person.
Only at the movies JANUARY 16
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