Hungry Kids of Hungary – You’re a Shadow

Published on February 22nd, 2013


Hungry Kids of Hungary

You’re a Shadow (EMI)

Hungry Kids of Hungary are one of those bands you can take serious enjoyment in watching grow.

Since releasing their first single “Set It Right” in 2008, HKOH have developed beyond the boundaries of “local indie-pop” and are beginning to explore the worldly concepts of growing up.

“You’re a Shadow” stays true to the “Indie-pop-rock” roots that Hungry Kids of Hungary have so carefully associated themselves with while injecting a much-needed dose of maturity that was consciously absent during the last record.

Considering that the band has an undeniable ‘Sub-Pop’ vibe, it would have been nice to see them step out from beneath the reverb-y shadows of artists such as the Fleet Foxes and The Shins, possibly allowing them to explore more heavily into their 60’s influences that they so obviously desire.

In saying that, The Beatles and the Beach Boys are both pleasantly featured throughout the record, with songs like ‘Memo’ and ‘Litter and Sand’ elated testaments to better days spent lying in a sepia filtered sun.

The themes and general tone of this album are surprisingly complex for a band this young, but saying so should come as no surprise considering they have been together almost 6 years.

With such a loyal and appreciative fan base, “You’re a Shadow” will no doubt gain instant hipster credit points in the company of your archetypal hand clapping youngster crowds.

All in all, a bloody good record!


– John Cesar