In a dystopic alternate universe, America has become a series of mega cities. Doing away with the inefficiency of courtrooms and jury’s, Judges now exist who find, convict and dispense justice all in one fell swoop. The notorious Judge Dredd is paired with rookie-on-trial Andersen, and investigate a gory triple homicide in the district of Peach Trees. Running afoul of criminal lord Ma-Ma, they find themselves locked-down in a building whose inhabitants want them dead. From here, they must fight their way out.
Absolutely a must-see for any action or comic-book adaption fans.
Romanzo Criminale S1
“A criminal known as The Libanese has a dream: to conquer the underworld of Rome. To carry out this feat without precedent he puts together a ruthless and highly organized gang. Their progress and changes in leadership (The Lebanese is followed by his cohorts Freddo and Dandy) take place over twenty-five years, from the 1970’s into the ’90’s, and are inseparably intertwined with the dark history of modern Italy: terrorism, kidnappings and corruption at the highest levels of government. Throughout these years Police Lieutenant Scialoia sticks to the gang’s trail, trying both to bring them to justice and to win the heart of Dandy’s girlfriend Patrizia.”
Hamilton: In The Interest Of The Nation
Special agent Hamilton goes undercover and joins a Russian mafia organization that smuggles swedish weapons to terrorists. Suddenly they are attacked by unknown group of heavily armed men who kill everybody except Hamilton and take the weapons. But who are they? And who are they working for? Hamilton starts chasing them across the world…