David Bridie

Published on November 6th, 2012

The great David Bridie is making a new solo record and he’s using pledges from fans to fund it. Each pledge receives a reward and, at the end of the drive, the album gets a release. Here’s some info on David, followed by all you need to know about the fund raising venture.

David Bridie is the quiet achiever of Australian music. Loved as a songwriter who addresses social and political issues that burn within contemporary Australia his narratives embrace themes that are inherently Australian, in both character and geography, understanding our place in the Pacific, reaching across cultures, seeking ways to stretch across the divide. And always there’s a faint reminiscing of an older Australia, of more simplistic times that shaped the country we grew up in. He says we need to look at where we’ve been to figure out where we’re going, that the old stories and images are important stuff.

David is also a very innovative musician and from his first musical outfit Not Drowning Waving, through his group My Friend The Chocolate Cake and his more recent and generous work with the wonderful musicians of Melanesia and indigenous Australia, he has always stamped his distinctive mark as a uniquely Australian artist whose as passionate about his music as he is about his politics and football.

This is never more evident than in the three albums he has produced with just himself, his thoughts and his piano.

Not surprisingly, given David’s deep social justice concerns many new and poignant songs have been written and stored in the cupboard over the last few years…time to let it out…time to make “the record”.

David is inviting you to help support the making of this new album. Think of it as being like an arts patron, think of it as being like entering the new world where the major record companies have been banished to X factor hell and the kind knowledgeable music lovers have taken over ,think of it as being music democracy, the green music revolution, think of it as common sense.

Think of it as allowing an artist to make a record unhindered ,without Polymer records looking over the shoulder of the artist pleading with the artist to locate his inner Celine Dion, screaming where’s the hit, where’s the More than a Feeling riff we soooo desire.

We have come up with a range of show bags as enticement for your investment in the “record”. Something to suit all styles. A range of things with silly titles. Some better than others. If he has to cook for you, Id pass, personally, Oh also unfortunately we have had to scrub the lunch for two with Alan Jones at the last minute. It was a very popular item but we can’t afford the security.

Alright then

But seriously. David would be most grateful of your support. It will be hard to make without it. Even if all you do is to pre buy the album then you will be an important part of this record.

Viva la Music Revolucion!

Below are some links to demos of the new songs for the new album as well as some video and songs from his previous works to inspire you to help get this new record out.

Click on the below links to get a snapshot of demo’s for the new album
Click here to view a selection of clips featuring Bridie’s solo and soundtrack work. other places to find David:


davidbridie.bandcamp.com http://www.followthegeography.com/


To make this album we need the minimum funding target to pay engineers, mixers and mastering. None of the pledge money actually goes to the artist. We then need to get the artwork and graphics done, print and press the CD, make a music video to promote the album on its release and advertise that it is out and ready to purchase. This is always costly and would usually take around $5000 to do on a shoe string budget.

Our minimum budget is $20,000 to get the album ‘in the can’ so to speak but any extra pledges will go towards the cost of the music video and other marketing activities such as radio and print advertising, posters to put up in cafes, website and Facebook development and advertising the album once it is released.

We have put up a package which is essentially a “pre-purchase the album package”. The money for that covers the cost a normal CD plus a bit for postage and handling. You also get a bonus download.So if you would normally buy a David Bridie CD you really are getting more than you would if you bought it in the shop, the bulk of the money is going directly towards the production of the CD and not going to retails distributors and middle men and you are actually enabling David to make the album in the first place – we think this is a win win situation and hope you agree.


Pozible is a fantastic resource for artists of all genres. It free’s the artists from the shackles an limitations of funding bodies and record labels, by providing an opportunity to artists to help raise funds for exciting projects. It’s easy and quick to donate, all you require is an email address and a credit card or paypal account. To the right of your screen, you would’ve noticed that there are different levels of donations that can be made in exchange for the rewards listed. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about these rewards.

* Rewards disclaimer: All digital downloads, physical albums, signed posters will be made available once the album has been mastered and is one month out from release. We hope to be able to deliver this to you between March – May 2013. The Listening Party will be held in advance of the album release in Melbourne. The rewards do not include the cost of travel, if your pledge reward includes an invite to a Melbourne party regardless of where you live, It is up to you whether you want to attend or not, but no discounts will be offered if you are not attending. The exception to this is of course the “George telek MBE reward” where you get to journey with David through his very musical inspiration – Papua New Guinea. The timing on some of the reward packages is also negotiable. We have to put in a date as that is required but you can let us know if that timing doesn’t suit you and we will do our very best to work out a better time with you.