American Songwriter
Starring: Danny Darst
Directed By: Michael Altman
Reviewed by Danielle Muir
[rating: 3.5/5]
With a guitar permanently attached to his front, dark shades and solemn expression, Danny Darst could be perceived as your stereotypical country star crooning about devil women and good times. But American Songwriter, detailing his illustrious careers and dipping into his personal life reveals that beneath the gruff exterior there is a plethora of intriguing stories to be told, and wisdoms to be learned.
Directed by accomplished filmmaker and long-time friend Michael Altman, it hinges solely on the wisdom and the truths that are spoken by this incredible man. From his songwriting and performing, to the self-penned play Exit 10 and his passion for rural America, each subject is described poignantly by Darst – a man who truly has a way with language.
The imagery takes us through regional America, and there are some truly magnificent shots of sunsets and silhouettes which inspire the travel bug. As the majority of the documentary is Darsts’ commentary overlain with footage, there are perhaps a few too many shots of him slowly wandering through fields/towns/other rugged places for effect.
The pacing is quite methodical and slow, which may prove too tedious for some. But that’s simply the nature of Danny – every word is carefully considered and there doesn’t seem to be a breath wasted as he expels his proverbs with great conviction.
It’s a shame that, according to Altman, Darst wouldn’t let them explore deeply into his private life, especially that of his children. Whilst it’s briefly covered that his adopted children have become virtuoso’s at their musical craft, there’s an incredible story behind how he came to rescue the children that sadly, is off limits.
American Songwriter is a glimpse into a man whose wisdom and soul appears to be far beyond most of us. Expressing his beliefs through his songs, philosophising on society and illustrating the lives of rural Americans, viewing is definitely an exercise in the intriguing.
American Songwriter is playing during the Brisbane International Film Festival on the 25th November at Palace Barracks.