Heading to QAGOMA is ‘Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori: Dulka Warngiid – Land of All’ – a retrospective exhibition of the late Bentinck Island artist and senior Kaiadilt woman, Sally Gabori.
Developed by QAGOMA Curator Bruce McLean, the exhibition includes more than 50 works Gabori created since commencing painting at the age of 81 in 2005 until her passing in 2015.
‘Dulka Warngiid – Land of All’ celebrates Sally Gabori’s significant contribution to art – her instinct for vibrant colour, bold forms and gestural brushstrokes, and her deep connection to story places on Bentinck Island.
The exhibition is FREE and will be showing at the Queensland Art Gallery from 21 May to 28 August 2016.
The groupings of works in the show include: Gabori’s Country at Mirdidingki; her father’s Country at Thundi; her grandfather’s Country at Dingkari; Nyinyilki, the main outstation on Bentinck; and Dibirdibi Country, the places associated with her husband Pat.
The exhibition takes its title from the Kayardild language name for Bentinck Island, which translates as ‘the whole world’, ‘the land of all’ or ‘the one place’.
Picture Credit: Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori / Dibirdibi Country 2008 / Synthetic polymer paint on linen. Purchased 2008 with funds from Margaret Mittelheuser, AM, and Cathryn Mittelheuser, AM, through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation. Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art © Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori. Licensed by Viscopy.