Elvis In Vegas

Published on October 30th, 2012

Elvis In Vegas

By Paul Lichter

Bloomsbury $39.99 Hardback

Wow. Elvis fans should buckle in for this rollicking looking at the King’s career in Vegas. Written by uber-fan Paul Lichter, the book starts with Elvis’ first engagement in the desert in the mid-1950’s. The bulk of Elvis’ years in Vegas took place in the 1970’s. Lichter had a ringside seat for over 800 shows. The book, lavish and well written, is no hagiography. Presley is shown as the supreme showman, but a flawed man driven to the abyss by a lifestyle that eschewed normalcy.

Lichter knew Elvis and he had access to the Colonel: various wives, girlfriends and confidants of the King are also featured. The photos are not your usual fare. Lichter has brought together pictures from private collections and many have been largely unseen by the public until now.

The books narrative is compelling and it closes with 99% accurate set lists for what was once the greatest show on earth. Straying away from Vegas Lichter discusses Presley’s life in Memphis, his relationship with Priscilla and, of course, the music that drove it.

It might sound like a cliché: but fans will adore the minutia in this book. Terrific stuff.

Mitchell Peters