Published on June 20th, 2013

world war zWorld War Z

Starring: Brad Pitt, Mirielle Enos
Directed By: Marc Forster
Reviewed by Danielle Muir

[rating: 4/5]

After the production moved heaven and earth (and millions) to complete World War Z amidst its numerous troubles, I prayed that the effort be worth the pay-off.  Brad Pitt fighting a zombie war had the potential to be an ultra-awesome ride.  Luckily, those sent to patch things up must’ve known their craft because World War Z is a knockout from start to finish.

Literally.  The pace is so intense it feels like you’ve received a few knocks to cranium.  It’s t-five minutes before Brad and his cute as pie family unit are stuck in the first hoard of the sprinting undead, and it never lets up.  We pause for the occasional plot point ex-UN Gerry Lane (Pitt) attempts to piece together the ‘crumbs’ mother-nature has left in the hope of finding a solution to the increasingly doomed situation, then we’re straight back into the mayhem.  Different exotic location (Jerusalem, Korea, Wales), new ‘I-don’t-see-a-way-out’ zombie infested scenario.

One of the most significant and terrifying deviations from zombies in other flicks (and the book, I’ve heard) is their movement. Protagnists of other like-minded flicks need only half a brain and swift feet to escape their lumbering attackers, however they wouldn’t last two minutes once thousands of these babies come screaming round the corner.  And it’s terrifying!  Truly terrifying.

World War Z’s little plot tidbits are all very tasty, which saves it from all action no substance territory.  For instance, we learn the zombies are attracted to sound – which plays nicely into future scenes and turmoils.  What’s even more interesting is the only inconceivable way to find a cure disappears in the first plane ride.  World War Z just throws everyone up you-know-what creek without a paddle, and how they swim out is logical despite the perceived hopelessness.  Also, the ending isn’t happiness spoon-fed down our gullets, and holds quite an impact.

World War Z is a globe-trotting zombie infested thrill ride designed to pummel your senses and give you a stress related illness – one of the most highly enjoyable action flicks to grace 2013.